Posted by Daniel C. Oberloh on February 12, 2004 at 02:50:55:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Re: Where can I get parts for this? posted by jlb on February 11, 2004 at 12:47:16:
Do the job right or forget about it. Skip the toy car parts and get proper (REAL) miniball linkage conectors and screws along with conecting rods. Your repair shop if even remotely compitent can get them from Alleid supply, they are not hard to find, tell them to look under M-I-R-A-P-H-O-N-E. They should be able to retro-fit the stop arms and levers if they have basic lathe skills and can do decent silver soldering. It is not "rocket science". If they don't have the skills find a shop that does. Sorry if this comes accros a bit snippy but I hate seeing cheepo toy parts stuck on instruments because some one with a half-assed attitude toward the craft does not have the skills to pay the bills. Or maybe I had to much wine with dinner, Flame away!
Daniel C. Oberloh
Oberloh Woodwiund and Brass Works