Posted by Jay Bertolet on February 28, 2001 at 14:07:00:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Tuba Music and Recordings OOP posted by Steve Shoop on February 28, 2001 at 11:43:58:
Well, I tell you that as much bad press as Napster has received, I believe a similar concept could work for this situation if it were handled correctly. Having an actual "library" of works in a specific place would make access prohibitive. But having a "virtual library" that could be accessed via the internet would not only give access to all but it would allow the incorporation of examples from places some of us may not be all that familiar with. For example, I couldn't name for you a single Russian tuba player. Not one. I'll bet there have been some really great ones. Wouldn't it be nice to have access to the work of those players who are largely unknown in this hemisphere? I'm willing to bet that such players exist or have existed thoughout history in virtually every country in the world. Dimitru's name came up and he's another great example. I know nothing of him save his name appearing on the T.U.B.A. Journal masthead. I'm sure I'll learn more of him after finishing the Bevan book I recently received but again, there must be literally hundreds of other players who are known to a small, local constituency who never get the exposure to bring their ideas into the mainstream. Such a virtual library could give these players that vehicle in addition to acting as a stable repository for the work we are familiar with. I don't believe copyright would be a problem because I'm willing to bet that most artists would be honored to be asked to be included in such a project. I know I would. Maybe some research into the inter-university library system would yield some ideas as to how exactly to proceed in the legal acquisition and distribution of such material.
The only trick is that we should start the process yesterday. With every day that passes, more of the people who were there pass on and the knowledge is taken with them. Hopefully, someone (or some organization) with the financial resources necessary will step forward.
My opinion for what it's worth...