Re: Re: From Mouthpiece to Bell Flare ?????

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Posted by Randy Mac Iver on February 26, 2001 at 18:14:29:

In Reply to: Re: From Mouthpiece to Bell Flare ????? posted by Rick Denney on February 26, 2001 at 13:42:45:

As always well thought out, insightful and humorous account of the question at hand. I can't question you about the Joe S comments because, well your not Joe S so let me go down your list and see if I can poke some holes in your list of trueisms. I do this with the utmost respect for your opinions and theories.
1. I don't buy this one. If Horn manufacturors didn't know,(with some degree of certaincy)how the mechanical and accousstical properties of a tuba worked independently and combined than the sum total of trial and error over the years have resulted in dumb luck that the Tuba actually does what it is intended to do. Is that what you mean if so I respectfully disagree. Sure there are an insurmountable amount of variables but doesn't the actual horn narrow down some of the variables?
2. You guessed I'm not buying this one either. Why do we copy one modle of Tuba versus another? Is it because we have determined that the sum of the parts can produce a whole with some degree of consistency therefore giving us a reliable result? I think so.
3. While I agree with your statement it doesn't really address the question at Hand.
4. While I agree with the statement that most players very well may be in an amateur,(for fun)status, I would venture to say that many amateurs in recent years do poses the professional level skills but are failing to find gainful employement due to popular culture trends(most folks don't want to pay for live music performances on a regular basis). More importantly this issue doesn't address the question at hand. The face behind the mouthpiece brings the artistry to the music but I am looking to find out what the mechanical makeup of an instrument is that makes it a great horn.
5.The Amish say it best,"God is perfect and man is not". I'm not looking for a perfect horn because I won't get one issued to me untill I check in to Marine Barracks Heaven. This doesn't address the question at hand either.
6.This one is unanimous, this stuff, fact or fition is what I would call fun.
8.I'll take your word for it.
9.You may be right, and I must include that items 6 through 9 do not address the question at hand.
10. You really lost me on this one but I am certain that this is definitley addressing the question at hand but I am not sure how. Could you elaborate.....
I await your rebuff.....
Randy Mac Iver

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