Posted by Bill Jagnow on February 23, 2001 at 05:47:13:
In Reply to: What is on your practice stand? posted by Randy Mac Iver on February 22, 2001 at 08:13:17:
In this order, more or less:
Hal Leonard Book, Jacobs Studies-- mouthpiece only section (although I usually play it from memory.)
The Micky Wrobleski Warmup Book
Bordogni Melodious Etudes
Ostrander Shifting Meter Studies (sightreading)
Kopprasch book
Blazhevich book 1
Bozza Concertino (not to be confused with the sonatine)
plus whatever quintet parts I need to work on-- Ewazen Frost Fire, Colchester Fantasy; Plog Four Sketches; Thom Ritter George Quintet; Cheetham Brass Menagerie; Sampson Morning Music.