Re: Re: Re: What is an adjustable gap reviever?

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Posted by Kelly O'Bryant on December 17, 1998 at 17:51:55:

In Reply to: Re: Re: What is an adjustable gap reviever? posted by Paul R. Ogushwitz on December 17, 1998 at 16:05:24:

1. The "difference" was this: when I adjusted the A.G.R. to the "all the way out" position, what I fondly call the "maximum warp" setting, I was able to achieve a greater sense of clarity in a "boomy" hall, thanks to the quicker response that I was able to get due to the utilization of my A.G.R. Thus, all my techno licks in tunes like the Haydn Trumpet concerto, Bach cello suites, Blue Bells, etc., were still there, as opposed to being "swallowed" by the hall, had I not been able to vary the level of response that I can get on my horn. Granted, the more pointed you make the sound/the quicker the response, the more you are going to lose some resonance factor, but that's the whole idea: in a hall like the WSU one, where you are dealing with a major echoe/reverb factor, you can afford to "sacrifice" a bit of resonance for the sake of clarity, and the final product to the folks in the hall is just great tuba playing. The acoustical properties of the hall will make up for the reduction of resonant sound that you may lose in your quest for technical clarity. Of course, this can be a blessing and a curse... if you play a gig in a "cave" hall, then find yourself in a room as dry as the desert, you may find yourself sounding like an electirc "slap bass" patch on a keyboard, if you don't re-set your A.G.R. ;-)

2. I doubt the recording is still around. It was 15 months ago, and the egineer was merely setting levels, and by chance he was running the "back up" DAT at the time when I switched gears, so to speak.


Kelly O...

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