Posted by Ian Mac on September 01, 2002 at 11:24:58:
In Reply to: A serious but strange short survey posted by Rick Denney on August 31, 2002 at 16:21:10:
Assuming that a digitally enhanced image is no longer considered a photograph, does it then revert to being a photograph if we subsequently take a snapshot of the image and reproduce it by traditional means?
My perception is that if it an image taken either by electronic means or with film and negative, diapositive slides, and either left as is, or subsequently altered by any means it is still a photograph, but I can only speak for what I see. What truly is the difference between digital and manual alteration.
If you take a piece of music and digitally record or alter it does it cease to remain as music? I dare say that few people would be able to discern the difference. The same with a photograph. Computer imaging systems are just tools in the hands of a photographer. the same argument could be made for any process which has undergone transformation due to computerization. How many writers write? Do typsetters set type? How many draftsmen (draftspersons?) and graphic designers draw? Do the results vary from the results obtained previous to the digital age? Not as much as some here suggest.