Posted by Tracy Bedgood on August 31, 2002 at 21:58:28:
In Reply to: Re: Re: A serious but strange short survey posted by Okay, but... on August 31, 2002 at 20:35:40:
You make a good point, but that's not what I meant. The medium may still be called a photograph, but that's not what I believe Rick was referring to. Imagine if someone decides to arrange another composers piece. At what point does that piece cease to be the original and becomes a new work? As soon as somethings added or taken away. My point is that the photograph is the raw original and the enhanced versions of it are only that. Enhancements. If you've seen the "enhanced" version of E.T. , where the director removed original elements of the original for a more politically correct film, this viewpoint becomes clear.