Posted by Joseph on August 26, 2002 at 22:12:09:
I have a very dedicated student that with my encouragement has recently purchased a MW32. It is a good example of its kind. As is sometimes typical when adjusting to a new instrument he's still coming to terms with the response. The end result is that he is blowing everything very sharp. My concern is that he's going to fixate on intonation to the detriment of all the good habits that he's developed. It's also very important to me that he have atleast a token amount of success with this horn sooner rather than later so that he can continue to feel good about his purchase.
I loaned him my Dillon M1C and that seemed to help a bit but I'm wondering if anyone with more direct long term experience with this horn has any suggestions for their favorite mpc with this horn. Any mouthpieces that have a tendency to bring down the pitch or will be good at helping him relax down to the the center of the horn?