Posted by Klaus on June 13, 2001 at 10:14:32:
In Reply to: Re: Re: Heavy Rotary Valve Caps posted by dennis on June 13, 2001 at 09:26:53:
The trombone list runs a threath on this topic just now. Some posts with a quite scientifical approach. As I read them, I quite safely can stand with my previous post on this topic (see link below).
Despite their massive appearances tubas are vulnerable animals. At least one poster mounts belts on the bells of his tubas. But beyond that I would clamp no weight to any bare tuba tubing.
I use a mouthpiece weight on heavy instruments. Other posters have added weight at places where the instrument already has a rigid structure. Which I am convinced is the right way to do it.
Some brass instruments makers, most notably of trumpets, flugelhorns, trombones, and even a few French horn makers, boast that their bells are made in one piece. Because that should ensure a sound less prone to break up at higher dynamic levels.
My YEP 641 euph is one of the rather few models having such a one piece bell. The extreme stability of its sound made me a one piece bell endorser.
But then my tubapark grew. 3 out of 4 have detachable bells. With very stable sounds as well. So even if I were sceptical towards the cut bell approach, I must admit, that I believe that the weight of bell collars and bell rings apparently outweigh, and that even literally, the problems of the multiple piece bells.
Still no scientific tables or proofs provided. But a strong opinion, backed my some air moved through large mouthpieces. So it is not that my instruments have not been tested by loud playing.